I personally have been experimenting and using essential oils since I was about 13 -14 years old. For those of you old enough to remember Sansom Village on Sansom St. in Philly, that was my first introduction! Many years ago, at least 45 years ago. I used to go there and learn about oils, incense and crystals. My cousin Rosanne worked there so I was with her and took the train to and then walked from the reading terminal.
It is inevitable that there is significant change going on, that may last for a very long time and it can be loss of a loved one or a pet, change in job or we could be forced to end a chapter in our life! The comfort that these oils can catalyze is immeasurable.
For those of you familiar with Essential oils, you know the healing potential. For those of you not sure yet, I hope this simple explanation helps. For you or someone you know, how life changing these can be.
We are energy. Vibrational energy. So are plants and flowers.
How they work has been scientifically shown and proven. When you smell an oil, or anything for that matter, it goes directly to the limbic system of the brain. This is the part of the brain that controls our emotions. Right now in this time of our world affairs it would be a great time to put them to the test… I made a short list of a few oils that may be helpful for some of the emotions you or someone you know may be feeling. We are ALL going through it so if this helps, share and help someone else! They encourage and promote healing. They usher in a calm.
For calming, Lavender is my go to. First. Frankincense is another one of my favorites and it is also wonderful for mediating. Sandalwood is also a good choice for meditation.
For Grief or loss, Tangerine, Cinnamon and Lavender are very comforting.
I had someone come in to help with a friend that is transitioning and wanted comfort for them now and in the crossing so I gave her Frankincense and Lavender.
Looking for change and need to focus and go in, Eucalyptus and Rosemary are the go to!
Cedarwood is a nice oil to use for depression. It helps with comfort and grouding.
There are many oils that are available. There is an oil for everything. Do your research and if you want more info, contact us! Come and visit and try some. We can do a Zyto Balance specifically search the oils that your body needs the resonance of, and tailor an oil blend just for you!
You can take a look at what Essential Oils we have on our online store!
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